I know, twice in one day? Doesn’t happen often, but I have this neat message from Winter Bayne in my box with a cool little blog-hop type thing, so here goes!
Winter got tagged in the
in which she answered ten questions and tagged ten bloggers with less than 200 followers on their blogs, and one of those was mine.
So my ten questions to answer are:
1. Name 2 author sites you visit and why.
I love Linda Howard’s Facebook page, which she shares with her BFF Linda Winstead Jones. Linda Howard is hilariously funny, and, since I’ve gotten to meet her at a couple booksignings, when I read her posts, I can hear her speaking. I also love Stephen King’s site, because there’s soooooo much there to look at!
2. Name 2 authors in the same genre as you. If you aren’t a writer then 2 authors in your favorite reading genre.
Two authors in the same genre? Well, I’m going to go with hot paranormal, since that covers Hunting Medusa pretty well. Kresley Cole does some very sexy otherworldly characters, and I loved, loved, loved Jennifer Lyon’s ‘Wing Slayer Hunters’ series.
3. What makes you bang your head against the keyboard?
Uncooperative characters. Seriously. Sometimes I know where the story needs to go, but the hero or heroine don’t want to go there. Then again, I’m not a plotter, so sometimes my characters know better than I do how they should get where they’re going.
4. How did you get started Seriously, why did you write that novel? Or blog/business if not a writer.
I’ve been writing literally since I was 10. My fifth grade teacher started us writing creative sentences, then paragraphs, and I never stopped. The next year I wrote what I’m sure now was a truly dreadful holiday play and the teacher made my classmates act it out. In high school, I wrote a ‘novel’, or, as the teacher I trusted to read it informed me, a novella.
5. How did you go about doing it (writing the novel for the first time or starting your online business)?
I just kept at it. I have so many finished romance novels sitting here, and when I finished them, I thought they were fabulous. Some of them don’t look so fabulous now that I have more time and practice between them and the present, but they helped me get here, so they’re still pretty awesome in their own way. I finally decided, though, when my youngest was born and I had a lovely long maternity leave that I was going to get serious about my writing and start submitting to publishers.
6. What did you learn along the way?
Not to head-hop. That’s one of those things in some of my earlier finished manuscripts that I hadn’t learned yet. No transitions, no scene breaks, just shifting POV. Awful. Also, that if I keep writing, whether I go back to fix one story or simply move on to the next, everything I do is a great way to improve my skills. That old practice makes perfect adage? Practice might not make perfect, but it makes it better!
7. What’s your theme song? As in what song should start playing when you enter a room?
That would really depend on the day. Or the mood, which might change more than once in a day. Today? Hands on the Radio by Henry Lee Summer.
8. What are you planning this month?
Continuing book promo, particularly when my website launches. That will include some giveaways and more fun.
9. What really inspires you?
Music. I can’t write without a soundtrack. When I’m working on a first draft, or even my own revisions, I need a soundtrack that has songs with lyrics that fit the characters and the story. I discovered with my Medusa series, though, that when working on line edits, lyrics are too distracting, so I have instrumental movie soundtracks I’ve been using for those. Who knows what will happen with the next non-Medusa book?
10. What motivates you?
Getting better at what I do. Knowing that it’s touched somebody in some way. My family and friends.
Now, for the ten blogs I’m tagging:
2. Rilzy
3. Writer Block
6. Keith Snyder
7. Adele Downs
I’m going to say for those of you interested in continuing the blog play, answer the same ten questions and tag ten more bloggers. Hopefully this brings more readers to all of you!