Round Two edits are done and gone back to my editor, so I can actually do a little writing this weekend on my lunch breaks at work. I do get a small break tomorrow, though, for a quick family visit. A nice long drive in the car, a good day with people I don’t see often enough, followed by another nice long drive in the car. That sounds like a great break to me.
While I’ve been working on fixing up Hunting Medusa, I’ve been thinking, too, about what needs fixing in the second book in the trilogy, and I think it’s going to be much better when I’ve finished rewriting. I’m already in love with the hero and have been ever since he introduced himself. I want his story to be worthy of such a great hero, though, which means some major reworking of his book. And some of the things I’ve learned as I’ve been doing these edits will also help me improve the third and final book, which is nearly done.
I’m so excited about these books, and when the time comes, I really hope you all will be excited about them as well. In the meantime, I’m going to enjoy my day off tomorrow before diving back into rewriting and new writing. And for those of you in the US, have a great holiday weekend!