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In the Right Direction

( Photo by Un ragazzo chiamato Bi on / CC BY-SA )

The day-job has been just as busy as I expected this past week, and that will continue for the next couple of days, but I actually spent part of my weekend relaxing. Of course all the chores still had to be done, as well as work on my aunt’s estate, but I took yesterday afternoon to spend with a friend. We were way overdue, and both of us have had a crappy couple of weeks, so it was nice to just sit and talk, without having to try to figure anything out, and just hang out. Of course, we had a little wine and watched a movie full of pretty faces, which made it even nicer.  Easier to get back to chores today after that.

Today would have been my paternal grandma’s ninety-seventh birthday.  One of my aunts shared a picture earlier of my grandma with her five kids at her seventy-fifth birthday party. It was a little bit of a jolt to realize that only two of the people in the picture are still living, and more than a little sad, considering the loss of one was just a couple weeks ago.  But it led me to dig through a couple of other old pictures of my grandma, and I stumbled on one another of my aunts shared some time ago, of my grandparents when they were much younger.  The first time I saw it, I was surprised to realize I look like my grandma.  I’d never heard that from anyone when I was growing up–it was always, ‘wow, you look just like your mom’, which I did (the only difference between some of my childhood pics and my mom’s is that hers were black and white).  Evidently that changed somewhere along the way, but I’d never seen any pictures of my grandma when she was young until my aunt shared that one. As an added bonus, it included my grandpa, who died way before I was born.  Family was always a big deal when I was younger, and sometimes I miss having everyone closer, rather than spread out over most of the country.

This is just me meandering around to a story snippet to share with you, where family is also a big deal.  I debated which family to share today–Medusas or tiger shifters, and the tigers won today.  This little snippet is from the first story.

( Photo on  )


Tessa watched India dance with one of the groomsmen. The man was good-looking, dark blond hair, green eyes, nice physique, and he was obviously interested in India.

India, on the other hand, held herself stiffly in his arms, her mouth turned down at the corners, and her gaze slid from one spot to another, never meeting his.

Tessa wondered if India missed Jon, even though she’d never have brought him along for this. All these shifters in one room, and there was bound to be a display or two of shifting. Tessa had already seen several partial Shifts. It was only a matter of time before someone Shifted completely.

Harley lifted her hand to his lips. “You’re a million miles away, honey.”

She forced a little smile. “Sorry.”

Before he could speak, Boris appeared. “Come dance with me, Tessa.” He didn’t give either of them a chance to protest, but pulled her out of her seat and onto the dance floor.

“That dress is too pretty to sit all evening,” Boris said, smiling.

She shook her head. “I was good with the sitting.”

He grinned. “You just hate the heels.”

Tessa laughed. “You’re right.”

He spun her around until she laughed again.

* * *

Harley glared daggers at his brother for several minutes, and then his father cut in. Boris flashed an “I know something you don’t know” grin before returning to his wife’s side. Marigold didn’t look like she was enjoying herself, which surprised Harley. Mari was a social butterfly, and usually at an event like this, she’d be everywhere, whether she was wanted or not. Tonight, she’d been quiet and had mostly remained in her seat. Maybe she was still sick with whatever bug she’d had earlier in the week.

Harley turned his attention back to Tessa, and he watched his father laugh at something Tessa said as they danced around the crowded floor. When his cousin Alec cut in, Harley realized he’d clenched his fists.

It was just a dance.

He repeated that to himself several times as Alec flirted with her, making her blush and laugh. When Alec leaned closer to hear her speak, Harley’d had enough. He charged through the dancers to where they swayed together. “My turn,” he growled, shoving his cousin away from her.

Tessa’s eyes rounded and her mouth dropped open before color rushed to her face.

Alec raised one eyebrow. “Really?”

“Don’t make me kick your ass in front of the whole family.” Harley gave him a hard look for a long moment before Alec looked away.

“It was nice seeing you again, Tessa,” Alec said, moving away.

Harley pulled her into his arms.

She didn’t move with him, digging her heels in. “What was that?”

“Me rescuing you from Alec.” He finally gave up trying to move her, though he knew he could–but not without attracting more attention.

“I hadn’t realized I was in need of rescue.” Her words were as stiff as her body. “There was no need to make a scene.”

He realized some of his extended family were watching them closely. Too many of them. “I didn’t like him touching you,” he said after a moment.

She frowned up at him.

“I didn’t like him flirting with you.”

Her eyes narrowed.

“Not because I don’t trust you,” he said quickly. “But because I’m discovering I’m jealous.”

Her mouth dropped open. Then pink tinted her cheeks. “Harley–”

He bent and nudged her nose with his. “I didn’t say it was rational. But it’s how I feel. You’re mine.” He brushed his lips over hers, lightly, and held his breath.

Tessa sucked in a quick breath, and her eyes went shiny with tears.

He hoped that was a good thing.


Before I go back to my writing, I have a question for you all. Is your family close, distance-wise? Or are you all spread out, too, making regular visits a challenge?


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