Our weather-guessers promised several inches of snow for our area yesterday. We got a dusting, topped off with a whole lot of sleet. This time of year, the front of our house doesn’t get much sun, so the driveway will probably be icy for a few more days, until the temps go up a little again. But I did get the ice off my car so I can get to work tomorrow, so that’s something, right?
The good news for me this week is I took a couple days off from the day-job. I can have a break (last week was insane, and we weren’t expecting that), and I can get some things done at home. I’m doing the same thing again in March, June, and September, and I still have to figure out where to plug in another 40+ hours of vacation time that I can’t carry over into next year, so I may sneak in another long weekend or two. We’ll see. This week, my first day off will be a combo of fun and tasks: I’m having lunch with eldest, then working on a small project at his house, before I head to my monthly writing group dinner. Then the second day, I’ll get another task or two done here at home, maybe something I wanted to do ages ago, like shredding paper and cleaning off my dressers. I might even go use my gift card for an hour on the massage table, if I feel like I got enough work done.
Of course, the big aim for a four-day weekend is writing time. Hopefully when I’m back here to chat next weekend, it will be with an update on how productive my four days were.
Before I head off to work on finishing some revisions, I have a little story snippet for you, this week from my first shifter story.
When he let the conversation flag for a moment, the band that had begun playing in the next room half an hour ago caught her attention. If her toe-tapping and faint smile were any indication, they were playing a song she liked.
Even better.
Harley got to his feet and held out his hand. “Come dance with me.”
Wariness clouded her eyes instantly.
“Please. You looked like this is a song you enjoy, so dance with me.”
Evidently her normal logic was a little clouded by the wine she’d consumed and by how tired she was, because she put one hand in his, her fingers sending heat over his palm and up his arm.
He didn’t want to spook her, not so soon, but he pulled her as near as he dared when they stepped onto the dance floor, setting his free hand on her hip to guide her steps, and she put her own free hand on his shoulder.
She smelled good. Something vaguely citrusy, and, beneath that, Tessa. He inhaled deeply, rubbing his thumb across the back of her hand.
She shivered.
The song, and therefore the dance, wasn’t nearly long enough, but Harley knew not to push his luck when she stepped back at the end of it. Warm color tinted her cheeks, and she didn’t meet his gaze. “I really do need to get some sleep, Harley.”
“I did promise, didn’t I?” He consoled himself with the notion that this was only his first move in what would be a very long game.
He didn’t even protest when she remained mostly quiet for the drive back to the house in the dusky summer evening. They walked into the house in silence. She shot him a curious glance when he continued at her side up the stairs. “Thank you for feeding me, Harley,” she said when they reached the first landing.
“No problem.” He touched her elbow, and she resumed walking along the hallway to the guest room she always used.
She swallowed as she turned to face him.
He gave in to the urge to brush a strand of hair away from her temple, and watched her eyes widen, surprise darkening them.
Harley bent nearer. Her hand shot up, so his mouth ran into it. He lifted one eyebrow.
“What are you doing?” Her voice quavered just a little.
He smiled against her palm, enjoying the warmth of her skin. “Kissing you good-night. It’s customary at the end of a date.”
Her eyes widened still more. “We’re not dating.”
He kissed her palm. “I believe we just returned from a dinner date. Dancing and drinks.” He inhaled her scent, and his desire kicked up a few more notches.
Her throat worked as she swallowed, color tinting her cheeks. “I think this is a bad idea.”
He stifled another smile at the way her voice shook and instead flicked his tongue out to taste her skin.
Her breath caught.
“I think it’s a fantastic idea.” He nibbled his way across her palm to her thumb. “You taste good. I can’t wait to taste your mouth.”
Her breathing resumed, much faster now. “Harley.”
He caught her hand and eased it to the wall beside her head as he closed the distance between them so only an inch separated their lips. “Yes, Tessa?”
Emotion swirled in her wide green eyes. He scented her burgeoning arousal in the air, and his body tightened in response.
He waited several heartbeats, watching her gaze slide to his mouth, and noted the way her tongue flicked out at the corner of her lips. Then he ducked in to kiss her.
She tasted better than he’d imagined. Warm and sweet. Her lips parted easily under his, but he deliberately kept the kiss light. She was already spooked, wary. If he dove in head-first, she’d run away fast.
Not that he doubted he could catch her. Easily.
When he finally lifted his head, her eyes were shut, and her lips parted and wet. Tempting him to bend back and take them again. Just briefly. Then he released her. It took a few seconds before her lashes fluttered up, and her hand slowly dropped to her side.
Harley banked the urge to press closer. The scant space between them already had his senses reeling. He waited until her eyes cleared slightly. “Sleep well, little Tessa,” he said softly, taking a step back. The cooler air flowing between them did nothing to dampen his arousal.
Or hers, judging by the flush on her face and the wild pulse beating in the hollow of her throat. She swallowed hard and reached behind her for the doorknob. “Good night.” It came out a hoarse whisper.
He waited while she fumbled with the door, resisting the urge to grab her for one more kiss. He watched her back into the bedroom, her wide eyes fixed on his face until she pushed the door shut.
He grinned, feeling his pulse race. Tessa tasted incredible. And he wanted more.
He’d have to think hard about his next move in this game, because he didn’t intend to let her get away. Not just yet.
What does your week look like? All work and no play? Or are you getting in some time to do something you enjoy? Maybe some overdue chores? Do you need an accountability buddy?