I thought maybe you’d like to see a little bit of Hunting Medusa, and what better way than to play in this fun blog hop? Six paragraphs of story…just a tease.
“I need a pair of scissors.” She didn’t know what had made her say it, but she did need them. Very badly. She knew she couldn’t trust him, and nothing he could do would change that. But she could pretend for the sake of getting the scissors.
He considered for a moment, his fingertip grazing the side of her hand. “Do you mind if I ask why?”
“I need a haircut.” Also true.
He bent nearer, his expression disbelieving. “A haircut?”
She nodded, trying to avoid his eyes.
His gaze slid to her hair, and she knew when he realized her reasoning. Awareness deepened the green of his eyes. “All right.”
I hope you check out some of the rest of the authors’ sneak peeks, too! There are some intriguing teases! The links are here.

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