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Summer Solstice

It’s the first day of summer.  Now I can start counting down until fall gets here.  In case you weren’t aware, I am not a fan of the hot and humid weather we have here during summer.  I would much rather be comfortable.  Or cold, even, because in the winter, you can put on another sweater.  Bleh.

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If we were at the beach like last summer, that would make it slightly better, but even there, hot is hot.  And we aren’t doing a beach writing retreat this year.  Instead I’m heading to NYC with one of my critique partners next month for the Romance Writers of America’s annual conference.  Several full days of workshops by fantastic romance authors and experts, plus getting to talk shop with other writers, and catching up with some of my writer friends I don’t see often enough.  I can’t wait to go.  It’s going to be wonderful for so many reasons.

I’m actually ready for that break.  It’s been a long couple of months around here, and our phone and internet provider had issues for a week, so we were completely out of contact with everyone while they figured out when or if they were going to make line repairs.  It would have been a good week to get other things caught up, but I was preparing for a long weekend trip for a family memorial, plus work and writing…  Maybe I need a week off just to get other things caught up.  Like my TBR pile.  Or clearing off my desk.  I could keep going, but I won’t.  The list would be too long for just a week.

What would you do with a week off from all responsibilities and contact with the outside world?  Would you spend it reading?  Cleaning?  Nothing at all?  For everyone who shares by midnight Saturday, June 27, I’ll enter you into a drawing on Sunday, June 28 for a little box of books, and maybe a few other goodies.

And in the meantime, until it cools down a bit, I’ll be dreaming of this:

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