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Protecting Medusa
A Medusa who stopped believing in love long before The Curse, Harvesters hot on her trail, and a hot naked guy in her shower who plans to stop them.
Hello, and welcome to my home on the web! If you like a little paranormal in your romance, you're in the right place.
My books are both contemporary and light paranormal romances, all with a huge helping of heat, and a guaranteed happy ending.
I am a mom, a wife, and a book-lover to the core. I hope you'll check things out, and that you come back often to see what's new.

Finding Inspiration
( Hot Chocolate – Depositphotos) Another week, another non-snowstorm. We got off to a good start with the snow in November, but Mother...

Accountability and Encouragement
( Speedometer – ) One week down in the new year, fifty-one more to go. This year, one of the things I am hoping for is...

(Depositphotos) Today officially winds down the winter holiday week here, and we wrapped up our week with our usual family New Year’s...

Family Time
That’s what I was doing yesterday, making a couple batches of cookies for the boys, who’ll be here a little later for dinner. For those...

Time to Plan
Yes, it’s that week. I’ve been thinking about my goals for next year for a while, in anticipation of the annual online goal-setting...

Taking a Time Out
Cup of tea, cookies, chocolate – Depositphotos December seems to always be a busy month, whether it’s day-jobs, family obligations, or...

Reading Weather
reading book by fireplace – Depositphotos Technically, today was a warm one for December in Pennsylvania, but it was wet and gloomy all...

Gratitude and Shifters
It’s the start of Thanksgiving week here in the U.S. Along with my normal weekend chores today, I started the bread bake for this week–I...

Sunday Writing
The picture above is one I took at my dad’s a few years ago in the fall. It was slightly earlier than November, but right now here, we...

Aim Higher
( Photo by bleublogger on / CC BY-ND ) It’s officially November now, and the weather really does feel like fall finally. And...

Sharing Happy
( Photo on ) This past week has been a doozy. My little world has been just fine, exactly what I expected when I wrote here...

I am back from the New Jersey Romance Writers conference, full of ideas and inspiration, and so happy to have spent time with friends I...

Beautiful Fall
( Photo by katerha on / CC BY ) Finally! It finally feels like fall here in Pennsylvania the last few days, and I’m so happy...

Someday Fall
( Photo by Kate#2112 on / CC BY ) It looks like fall outside, with leaves falling and changing colors, but it sure doesn’t feel...

Counting Down
( Photo by davidmulder61 on / CC BY-SA ) I’m not quite to 0 days until vacation, but close…only 2 as I write this, Of course,...

Break Time
( Photo by Auntie K on / CC BY ) Our weekend has been very wet again, but this time it was actually in the forecast, so I...

Light at the End of the Tunnel
( Photo by Dougtone on / CC BY-SA ) I actually can see the light at the end of the tunnel at long last, in more than one...

Staying Afloat
( Photo by fPat on / CC BY ) Just when it looks like things at the day-job will settle down, they don’t. I’ve just finished two...

Retraining Myself
I’d like to be counting down to my vacation week, but it’s still too far away for me to do that. So instead, I’m going to keep my head...

Keep Going
( Photo by ikewinski on / CC BY ) Now that party month is over, it’s back to nose-to-the-grindstone mode for me. Last month was...
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