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I know it’s been a couple weeks since my last post, but I wanted to make sure the giveaway stayed front and center until it was over.  Now that it is, I can chat some more.  First, though, I want to congratulate Lisa V, who won the ARC giveaway.  I hope you enjoy your box of books!

Since I blogged last, I sent Medusa #2 off to my agent again and I’m back to work on Medusa #3.  They really do have names, but what if they change?  Oh, heck, if they change, I’d certainly let you all know.  My working titles are Protecting Medusa (#2) and Freeing Medusa (#3).  And now that I’m back into #3, I remember why I love this hero so much.  And this Medusa, too.  I am not too far away from finishing the first draft, then I can polish that up and send it off, too, then get back into my shifter manuscript (which doesn’t even have a working title, sorry).  I might actually get back on track with my writing goals for the year.  Holy cow!  I didn’t think that was going to happen, with all the time I spent fighting with Medusa #2.

My other big upcoming writing thing is prepping for the RWA conference in NYC next month.  I didn’t get registered in time to take part in the literacy signing, which makes me sad, but I am still looking forward to the conference.  I just need to narrow down my huge wish list of workshops.  Ha!

And before I sign off for the night, I have to share this.  In the third (and final!) Medusa, there might be a little of this:

parthenon athens

( Photo credit: lightups / Foter / CC BY-NC )  

One of these days I’ll get to visit it myself.  I bet it’s even more amazing than all of the pictures I’ve studied.

I just posted a little story snippet over on my Facebook page, from Medusa #3, for those of you who are interested in seeing how Katharine finds her hero, even though she doesn’t know it at the time.  If you do pop over to check it out, I hope you let me know what you think.

Here’s to lots of reading time this week!


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