I’m excited to share a hot new release with you today! Jane Leopold Quinn’s The Real Deal came out yesterday from Ellora’s Cave.
Isn’t that cover delicious?
Jane very kindly sent us a little snippet of story, and some details that will definitely pique your interest. I know I need to read more!
The Real Deal The Second Birchwood Falls Book by Jane Leopold Quinn Ellora’s Cave
When her fiancé is busted at a gentlemen’s club, Norah Ballard calls off the wedding. Shocked and humiliated, she takes the first train out of Chicago and ends up in a picturesque small town called Birchwood Falls.
Michael Banning spots the new woman in town and recognizes her from college. She’s even more gorgeous and sophisticated now. He’s no longer the nerd he was back then, and now that she’s on his turf, he’s going to touch and taste every sleek, beautiful inch of her. Whatever her reason is for being in his town, he’ll fulfill all her desires so she never wants to leave.
Norah doesn’t plan to let another man—no matter how sweet, smart and sexy—get close enough to hurt her again. But Mike’s passionate pursuit of her, the way he seems to know just how to arouse her, awakens a sexual hunger she didn’t know she had.
A Romantica® contemporary erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave
Excerpt – R-rated
(Mike has just asked Norah to dance with him…)
Mike raised one eyebrow at her in silent invitation.
She held up a hand, palm out, in a oh no, that’s not necessary sign and regretfully shook her head.
“Come on, let’s dance. I’m not too bad.” He treated her to a confident smile. Pretty confident for someone under investigation for committing a crime. And very attractive. This was turning out to be a crazy town, so what the hell. It was just a dance. Taking his hand, she rose and followed him to the dance floor.
Mike, sliding his arm around Norah’s waist, tucked her in close—breast to chest, belly to belly, thigh to thigh. This was where he’d wanted her since she’d first sat down at the table, actually since he’d first seen her again in Ollie’s.
He just plain wanted her. It was amazing someone he barely knew from his college days would be the one to arouse his sexual hunger again. He knew pretty much all the women in town and none of them appealed to him as much as Norah did. Celibate for too long, he’d been busy teaching and working in the bar. Then one day he walks into his own place and immediately spots her in the corner. Damn Axel. It would have been nice to renew their acquaintance without her being accosted first by that jerk. But on the other hand, he’d been able to rescue her. Knight in shining armor and all that. Thank you, Axel.
Oh boy. She was a perfect fit in his arms. Beautiful and smart. Beautiful and a great figure, can’t forget that. He skimmed his hand up her back between her jacket and silky blouse. She felt supple and firm at the same time, if that made any sense. It did to him. She sighed softly and melted against his chest. Spanning her narrow waist with his palm, he tightened his hold on the small of her back. The lengths of their thighs brushed together and he had no doubt his swollen shaft, pressing on her belly, was a dead giveaway. It wasn’t like he could control the reaction of his cock when he held a gorgeous woman in his arms.
“This is a fast song, Mike.” She had to press even closer and lean up to make sure he could hear her.
That made him smile. And smolder since it crushed her breasts against him. Then she tried to strong arm herself away. Uh uh. He tightened his hold. “I know,” he replied smugly, her sensual breathy words in his ear raising goose bumps across his neck. “I’m not much of a fast dancer,” he murmured, his lips brushing her ear, wisping the short strands curled there.
It had been so long since he’d had sex and she touched something inside him, something protective. Something needy, something longing, yearning. The mystery of why she was in B Falls took his mind off the shock of the cheating allegations. They made him feel alone and vulnerable. Hugs from his mom weren’t exactly what he needed at the moment. A walking wet dream was. And he intended to enjoy this as long as possible.
Happily for him the music finally turned slow. If she wanted to back away from him, she didn’t follow through. Her hand crawled up his arm and settled primly over his shoulder. He clasped her other hand in his and rested both on his chest. She stiffened a moment but then, relenting, relaxed against him.
“See, I’m much better at slow, Norah.” She huffed a short laugh. He couldn’t breathe, barely moved his feet, just held her gaze, on and on, ensnared within her light eyes. Intriguing. Compelling. Mysterious. He realized he’d never seen them in daylight. What color were they anyway?
Why is she here? Oh, what the hell. You have a beautiful woman in your arms. You’re slow dancing. What more did he want and it almost made him forget the trouble he was in. “Thank you.” His whole body snapped to attention and he almost groaned aloud when her fingers touched the long hair at his nape.
“What?” She sounded drowsy and seductive as if just waking up after a night of intoxicating full out sex.
Bio Sensual fantasies were locked in my mind for years until a friend said, “Why don’t you write them down?” Why not, indeed? One spiral notebook, a pen and the unleashing of my imagination later, and here I am with more than a dozen books published. The craft of writing erotic romance has become my passion and my niche in life. I love every part of the creative process — developing characters, designing the plot, even drawing the layout of physical spaces from my stories. My careers have been varied — third grade school teacher, bookkeeper, secretary — none of which gave me a bit of inspiration. But now I’m lucky enough to write romance full time — the best job in the universe!
My Books
Ellora’s Cave Lost and Found The Real Deal
Indie Valentine’s Day His Hers & His The Keeper Soldier, Come Home Winning Violetta A Promise at Dawn Jake and Ivy Wooing the Librarian Home to Stay The Long Road to You (coming February 5, 2015)
Siren Undercover Lover Mercenary Desires I’ll Be Your Last
Jane Leopold Quinn My Romance: Love With a Scorching Sensuality