Yes, I am excited. Just a tad. Okay, more than a tad.
Today is the day Hunting Medusa comes out in paperback! Maybe it’s silly that I’m just as excited as I was when the ebook was released last January, but I don’t care. There were days over the last decade when I thought I would never see this day, so I’m going to enjoy it.
And while I’m enjoying it, I have goodies to share with readers! I’m hosting a Paperback Release Day party over on my Facebook page for most of the day. I have all kinds of things to give away: swag, books, gift cards, and a nice big box full of stuff at the end of it all. Some of the giveaways require a little work, but it’s fun work. I’ve got story snippets to share. I’ve also got some cabana boys lined up to come serve drinks and desserts throughout the party, and if you have one you like, bring him along, too, but please come on over!
My shiny new cover art! isn’t it pretty?
Today is the day I finally get to pet my very pretty book. I hope you come celebrate with me!