Okay, so I’m not sure that I’m actually happy it’s the end of January, especially since we’ve still only had a little snow here–nothing more than a couple of inches at a time. After actually having a real winter for a change last year, this year is very disappointing so far.
My main purpose in this quick post tonight is to let you all know I have a guest blog post up at Limecello’s A Little Bit Tart, A Little Bit Sweet today to finish off her blogiversary celebration. I’m talking about celebrations, and there’s a little peek at Hunting Medusa, plus everybody who comments there on her blog by February 2, 2015 will be entered into a drawing for an e-book copy of Hunting Medusa. I’ll be doing the drawing on February 3, 2015, most likely after I get finished at the evil day-job.
I also wanted to start giving you notice I’m participating in a multi-author booksigning in Mechanicsburg, PA on Valentine’s Day! Yes, my very first booksigning, and I am so excited, because I get to sign with some women I’ve known for many years, and some truly awesome romance authors! All the details can be found here, and I hope to see some of you there if you’re not too far away and Mother Nature cooperates. I might even have a few goodies to share there, too.
In the meantime, though, go check out my guest blog post, and get your comment in for your chance at a free e-book!